Summer skin care
Face Masks with Essential Oils by CupiEssential
June has arrived and we’re ready to hit the beach, pool, lake … But first, skincare. What are the best essential oils that can help us have perfect skin in these summer days?
Between baking on the beach and catching rays from the outfield bleachers, our skin can take a serious beating come summer. Sure, we all know about the importance of using sunscreen, but maintaining healthy skin throughout the summer requires a different kind of attention than it does during the rest of the year.
Summer skin care can be tedious, but believe us—your skin will definitely be thanking you in ten years or so for the extra time you spend exfoliating and moisturizing now. So to help you keep your skin radiant and youthful for years to come, we’ll break down why summer skin care is unique, and offer a few simple tips to shore up your summer skin care routine.
Mask it. Extra warm temperatures mean that the skin loses water and excretes oil in a flash, leading to redness and blemishes of all sorts. So depending on your skin type, you’ll want to use a mask about 3 times a week.
Here are some mask remedies that will help you have flawless skin.

- Kissed by the sun
Sun may damage our skin, but does miracles when it comes to other things. In this case, the sun is the key component that helps in the growth of Helichrysum Italicum, a Mediterranean plant that has been used as a beauty product since ancient times. Helichrysum in Greek means the gold sun, and for real it is the gold of skin care products. It contains anti-microbial, anti-biotic and regenerative compounds that promote healthy skin cell growth and regeneration.
Ingredients: 10 drops of Helichrysum Italicum Oil, 5 drops of Lavender Oil, 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt.
Application: Mix 10 drops of Helichrysum, 5 drops of Lavender, 5 drops of Tea tree oil, one teaspoon of yogurt, and one teaspoon of honey. Leave the mask 5-10 min in the refrigerator and apply the mask in a clean face and leave it on for 15-20 min. Then rinse with water. Use it 2-3 times weekly. It will help reduce acne and scar marks, also it makes the skin smoother and it is very refreshing during these hot summer days.

- Flawless Skin
It is hard to avoid the sun 100%, especially during summer. Sometimes our skin feels dry and it may have fine lines. However, there is a solution to any skin problem if you use the right ingredients. Helichrysum helps smooth both skin tone and texture, reduces the appearance of fine lines, and its emollient properties help keep skin hydrated.
Ingredients: 20 drops of Helichrysum Oil, 10 drops of Sage Oil, 10 drops of Rosemary Oil, 20ml of your favorite moisturizer (I would choose a natural one with not many ingredients because the essential oils will nourish the skin).
Application: Apply the newly made moisturizer on the skin every night before bed after you have cleaned the face entirely. The skin in the morning will be glowing and very smooth. This remedy will also help in preventing wrinkles and it will reduce fine lines.

- Ocean clear
It is important to exfoliate your skin, but most important is to nourish it. Sometimes we tend to be very harsh on our skin when it comes to exfoliating. Clay masks used to exfoliate really help on cleaning the dead the skin cells, but also may drain out important oils that the skin needs to grow new skin cells. I recommend blending your clay masks with essential oils in order to have the best results you want for beautiful skin.
Ingredients: Your choice of clay mask (I would recommend Indian clay mask), 10 drops of Helichrysum Oil, 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil, 5 drops of Sage oil, apple cider vinegar, or just water in case you don’t have apple cider vinegar.
Application: Mix in a bowl the clay powder, the oils, and the apple cider vinegar. Use a plastic spoon rather than a metal spoon. Don’t use a metal container either. Before applying the mask, wash your face with warm water to open up the pores. Apply the mask and leave it on for 15-20 min. You can do this mask once a week.
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